Board of Directors
Jericho Hall - President
Renada Walker - Vice President
Raynae Hipsak - Finance Director
Melanie Franklin - Secretary
Jessica Zubach
Dora Sigurdsson
Ashley Kobylinski
Tracey Brassard
Tyler Andrews
Kristi Berga
Board Advisors
Tony Schultz - Associated Pastor Anchorage Lutheran Church
Erik Christensen - Associated Pastor Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Matthew Baxter - Administrator/Principal Anchor Lutheran School
Mya Woodard- Early Childhood Director Anchor Lutheran School
Ty Schommer - Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church President
Duties of the Board of Directors
Anchor is overseen by members of a Board of Directors appointed according to the bylaws of the school’s Articles of Association. The self-perpetuating “corporate governance” model used at Anchor is endorsed by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). NAIS is the largest organization for independent schools in the United States. Independent schools are defined as schools that are "not under government control." In its statement on governance, NAIS reviews other models, details the problems with an annually shifting, parent-elected board, and then says this:
“The corporate model of a self-perpetuating board is what NAIS advocates, where the board chooses itself and its successors and is focused largely on the strategic future of the school. It sees itself as having only one employee to hire, evaluate, and fire (the Director), and it scrupulously and thankfully redirects all constituent complaints to the proper authority, the Director, then supports the Director in his or her adjudication of any challenges. This ‘above the fray’ approach frees the board to focus on the larger issues of institutional stability and growth and sends a strong signal to the community that the board has confidence in the leadership of the school, never allowing itself to become ‘the court of last resort’ to adjudicate conflict and overrule management decisions, knowing that if it does so, it will forever after be relegated to operational oversight rather than vision and strategy and generative thinking, its proper role.”
Jericho Hall - President
Renada Walker - Vice President
Raynae Hipsak - Finance Director
Melanie Franklin - Secretary
Jessica Zubach
Dora Sigurdsson
Ashley Kobylinski
Tracey Brassard
Tyler Andrews
Kristi Berga
Board Advisors
Tony Schultz - Associated Pastor Anchorage Lutheran Church
Erik Christensen - Associated Pastor Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Matthew Baxter - Administrator/Principal Anchor Lutheran School
Mya Woodard- Early Childhood Director Anchor Lutheran School
Ty Schommer - Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church President
Duties of the Board of Directors
- Oversee and promote the overall success and fiscal health of the school
- Appoint and evaluate the Director of Schools annually
- Develop, approve, and ensure the implementation of school policy
- Ensure efficient and logical allocation of the school’s resources
- Monitor the use of the school’s existing facilities and develop new ones which might enhance program delivery
- Ensure the maintenance of the school’s good relationships with the Municipality of Anchorage, State of Alaska, and all government officials and agencies relevant to our school’s mission
- Meet periodically in accordance with the stipulations of the Articles of Association
Anchor is overseen by members of a Board of Directors appointed according to the bylaws of the school’s Articles of Association. The self-perpetuating “corporate governance” model used at Anchor is endorsed by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). NAIS is the largest organization for independent schools in the United States. Independent schools are defined as schools that are "not under government control." In its statement on governance, NAIS reviews other models, details the problems with an annually shifting, parent-elected board, and then says this:
“The corporate model of a self-perpetuating board is what NAIS advocates, where the board chooses itself and its successors and is focused largely on the strategic future of the school. It sees itself as having only one employee to hire, evaluate, and fire (the Director), and it scrupulously and thankfully redirects all constituent complaints to the proper authority, the Director, then supports the Director in his or her adjudication of any challenges. This ‘above the fray’ approach frees the board to focus on the larger issues of institutional stability and growth and sends a strong signal to the community that the board has confidence in the leadership of the school, never allowing itself to become ‘the court of last resort’ to adjudicate conflict and overrule management decisions, knowing that if it does so, it will forever after be relegated to operational oversight rather than vision and strategy and generative thinking, its proper role.”